


CLASS UTENSIL_PK $result=$obj->scan_dir_jpg($directory) $directory = la cartella da scandireRestituisce tutti i file jpg presenti nelle cartelle e sottocartelleEs. $result[ 0 => [ ‘dirname’ , ‘basename’ , ‘exstension’ , ‘filename’] 1=> [ ‘dirname’ , ‘basename’ , ‘exstension’ , ‘filename’]] $result=$obj->size_file_dir($directory) $directory…


Free php form PunkodeThe first ready-to-use form with just 2 lines of code.Customize it as you wish DIVENTI   learn more


2 lines of code and you will have your form ready! FUNCTION $obj->pk_diventi($title, $subtitle, $path_img, $slogan, $action = ‘#’, $method = ‘post’, array $exclude = array()) PARAMETERS $title / $subtitle / $path_img / $slogan:If you don’t want to insert one…


Type Input Each input can be in 3 versions pk_text: normal pk_text_val: takes the field value from the database pk_text_asinc: takes the field value from the database and modify the value in mode asinc punkode is not just customizable pre-set…

Quick Start Punkode

Copy the Punkode folder inside the root folder of your php project Inside the punkode folder open the file “setup” ad set database credentials and the URL of the app’s root folder In files where you intend to use punkode…


CRUD php script free

Crud php freeWith table you will have a whole series of crud commands with only 3 lines of code, you can modify your database table, insert records, modify and delete records. You can also decide which functions to use and…